Walls Of Salvation
About Us
சத்தியத்தையும் அறிவீர்கள், சத்தியம் உங்களை விடுதலையாக்கும்…
யோவான் 8:32
Walls of Salvation is a biblically-based non-denominational Church where the only aim is to take the Word of God as the Word of God undiluted to the people of nations the world over. It is my earnest prayer that the Holy Spirit of God will return a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a Holy Nation its own special people that we, as a Church, may proclaim the praises of Jesus Who called us out of darkness into His marvelous Light. God is calling His body the Church to be united in this battle of Faith, that we may unite and bring His people together to His feet and unto Salvation.
Walls of Salvation is a biblically-based non-denominational Church where the only aim is to take the Word of God as the Word of God undiluted to the people of nations the world over. It is my earnest prayer that the Holy Spirit of God will return a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a Holy Nation its own special people that we, as a Church, may proclaim the praises of Jesus Who called us out of darkness into His marvelous Light.
God is calling His body the Church to be united in this battle of Faith, that we may unite and bring His people together to His feet and unto Salvation.

God has Anointed us to Heal the sick and Deliver the oppressed. Live life of testimony. Helping the Widows and Orphans is a major part of this ministry. Helping poor people with back to school packs and sponsoring school fees for under privileged children in countries like India and Srilanka.Discipling People who are in the faith to become servants of the most High God.
Helping people be elevated in their spiritual walk with God and teaching from the Word of God to get intimacy with God to fulfil Gods purpose in their lives.

Grays and Brentwood towns are situated in the county of Essex in Great Britain in United Kingdom. The place has a variety of cultures and amidst this variety our Church aims at conducting services in English, Tamil, Sinhala and Romanian languages.
Our Church congregation is very multicultural and has, believers who are Indians, Sri Lankans, Romanian, English, Caribbean, and Africans. Which ever nationality you are from you will fit in. We are one big Gods family.
Walls Of Salvation
Walls Of Salvation
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Open All Days for PRAYERS